Note that problems will take a while to appear when you are nearly at safe settings.Ī few other things to try are turning off PnP, which sometimes just gets all tangled up, and turning off DHT which throws out a lot of requests very quickly.
Increase them to higher levels until you see problems again. When the magnet link connects to the tracker, the user’s IP-address will be displayed on the site, alongside a time-stamp and the torrent client version. If these very low settings solve your problem then at least you know you're on the right track. Then drop the half-open connections to 2, and the maximum connection attempts per second to 2. First, drop your total connections to a low number, maybe 50. Then you can reduce several settings in Deluge.

Not all routers can be configured to time out bad connections more quickly, but have a look. These should be fleeting things but for some reason routers hold onto them for hours. Ideally you can configure your router to time out UDP requests more quickly so they don't build up to ridiculous numbers. Deluge seems to be particularly bad for this for some reason. It is probably swamping your router with connections, probably not even fully open connections. Has anybody else experienced this problem? i've tried google but i cant seem to find anything relating to my issue specifically.

I haven't changed any of the settings from Default. UPnP(checked) NAT-PMP(checked) Peer Exchange (checked) Zipped+10k means that both torrents are present.
i wasn't too sure on which section this topic fell in to.Īnyway i am having a bit of difficulty regarding my Deluge torrent client on my Ubuntu 10.10 setup, i have been using Ubuntu for about 2 years now and i have always used Deluge as my torrent client, however i have just got a new computer and installed Deluge via Ubuntu software center and everything was fine for a while but for some reason now every time i open Deluge client and it connects as normal to Peers, any computer (except mine) on my network gets disconnected from the network WLAN or LAN and internet connection runs very slow, at first i thought this was me hogging all of our bandwidth but my torrent speeds are merely reaching 100kb/s most of the time, i checked deluge ports (Edit > Preferences > Test Active Port) and i receive a red exclamation mark symbol Create a 4MB-piece torrent on Windows 64-bit, settings: empty client freshly started with default config. Hello, first of all apologies if this is in the wrong section.